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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Laisa Laha Min Dunillah hi Kashifah..

Saturday 11 May 2013

Hari ibu

Assalamualaikum.. Today is sunday 11th May 2013. Hari Ibu. Aku sekarang ni berada kat pd avilion hotel for co. Team building since yesterday morning. Hari ni aku paparkan gambar pasangan yg paling tinggi tempatnye di hati aku.. Kedua insan ini adalah tulang belakang.. Tulang depan n setiap nadi aku berdenyut atas semangat yg diorg berikan. All the sucess is from them.. They are always there for me regardless in what condition i am.
Tak perlu aku nak mencanangkan dallm fb, instagram or any other platform on how much important they are because i beliefed i am the lucky to have them in my life. Mak..Ayah.. Mmg org x penah cakap benda ni kat depan mak n ayah.. Mak n ayah adalah parents yg terbaik dlm dunia...
Ayah used to marah.. Mmk used to pinched me out n due to that... I have to thankful to u boyh because of the anger n pinch.. I now being a good daughter for u and no one to change that. I'll continue my loyal n try to upgrade my behavior n be the best daughter n best sister to bothparwnts n brothers.
I♥my family. Selamat Hari Ibu.. Mak♥♡