About Me

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Laisa Laha Min Dunillah hi Kashifah..

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Struggling to achive target

It has been a long since aku update the last entry. Very funny when I forgot my own password & that is the main reason kenapa aku x update mycutiest kitchen ni. Haii... macam nak mengeluh pun ada... so many thing happened lately in my life. Ad yg gembira & ada jugak dukanyer. Cuti lama for the last 2 weeks coz parents when for UMRAH. This week strat keje balik, rasa macam lama giler x masuk ofis. Macam baru balik dari maternity leave plak. Org2 kat sekeliling ada menggembirakan dan ada jugak yg nak mengena. But I believe everything comes from Allah and no one can change that. Dugaan demi dugaan buat aku semakin tabah mengharungi kehidupan bersama2 insan tersayang. Harap apa yg aku ada akan sentiasa di harumi dengan semangat dan keyakinan supaya ianya berkembang wangi. Today is 22/5/2012... another few days, birthday insan tersayang. Tgh dok fikir nak buat surprise apa tahun ni. I'll do something unexpected so that u will know my endless love. 3 days to go for comapany's annual dinner and now, we are bz with the practice for performance. Mmg nmpk leceh but this organization is superb compared to other organization that I joined b4. We have the spirit of teamwok and hope that can last forever:) Thats for now... will continue later ... Insya Allah..